We encourage you to take a look at COFI and POWER-PAC IL’s publications below!
Brillando Una Luz: Cómo las soluciones lideradas por padres pueden sanar a nuestras comunidades y abordar el trauma
Un nuevo informe de COFI y su organización estatal de miembros liderada por padres, POWER-PAC IL (Padres Organizados para Ganar, Educar y Renovar), lanza una campaña liderada por padres para...
Shining A Light: How Parent-Led Solutions Can Heal Our Communities and Address Trauma
A new report by COFI and its statewide parent-led membership organization, POWER-PAC IL (Parents Organized to Win, Educate and Renew), launches a parent-led campaign to tackle five solutions that COFI...
We’re Glad You Asked!
There has been a surge of interest in parent leadership and organizing, not just at COFI but across the country. We’ve heard from many people like you who work in...
Parent Peace Center Model – “A How to Guide”
What is a “Peace Center,” and why should parents and community members be “peace keepers”? Learn how to implement a Peace Center in your school or community with COF’s Parent...
IL Solar For All Grassroots Education Report
Background and reflections on using Parent Ambassador model for Illinois Solar for All grassroots education
Ask the Experts
Compelling and inspiring personal stories of parent leaders, who are experts and provide grounded, practical solutions to address real challenges.
Executive Summary of COFI Replication and Expansion Success Paper
In seven communities across Illinois, from spring of 2014 through fall of 2017, Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI) recruited, trained and supported 591 low-income parents of color in becoming...
Stopping the Debt Spiral
POWER-PAC IL’s Stepping Out of Poverty Campaign presents research and recommendations to reduce poverty and the debt trap.
No Decisions About Us, Without Us
The impact of parent leaders on Early Learning Collaborations.
Report published jointly with COFI and Illinois Action for Children.
The COFI Way: Policy & Systems Change
A fresh look at how low-income parents of color are becoming effective, innovative partners in policymaking on the issues that affect their families
COFI Replication and Expansion Evaluative Paper
An evaluative paper to explore findings on: How well does the COFI model work with a range of parents and communities to engage parents as leaders in their families, schools,...
COFI’s Guide to Parent Engagement in SB100
Parents have a unique perspective on issues of school culture and are valuable partners in assessing and shifting school culture. The guide was created in cooperation with the Transforming School Discipline Collaborative and has...
Parent-to-Parent Guide: Restorative Justice (English)
Parents have to be involved and take the initiative in local schools. But we also need to know our rights and understand the system! Part of this guide is sharing...
Guía de Padre-a-Padre: Justicia Restaurativa (Español)
Los padres tienen que estar involucrados y tomar la iniciativa en las escuelas locales. ¡Pero también tenemos que reconocer nuestros derechos y entender el sistema! Una parte de esta guía...
Why Isn’t Johnny in Preschool?
Groundbreaking report on why participation in preschool is low and what can be done.
How We Got Johnny, Jada, and José into Preschool
Early Learning policy briefs on how parents are getting more children into preschool.