Building the Power of Parents
COFI trains parents to be powerful leaders and COFI-trained parents accomplish great things.
Who We Are
COFI strengthens the power and voice of low-income families in all areas of civic life—from local institutions and communities to state and federal policy arenas.
What We Do
The COFI Way
A proven, family-focused organizing model for how people who are outside the centers of power become leaders, build organizations, and win.
Self, Family & Team + Team Building
Leadership begins from within. It starts with a parent’s personal, family, and community goals.
Community Outreach & Action
Building community partnerships and bringing parent leaders together around common goals.
Policy & Systems Change
Uniting parents across race and community to work with decision-makers to make real and lasting policy and systems change.
How We Do It
Get Training
We’ll share what we’ve learned about building parents’ power so you can incorporate The COFI Way into your own efforts.
COFI Center for Action and Learning
Our hands-on, practical workshops are designed specifically for community organizers, social service providers, school administrators, advocates, policymakers, and veteran parent leaders around the country.
Meet The Parents
Their inspiring stories of passion, persistence, and courage are the heart of COFI.
Stay Informed With COFI
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Ensure parents are at the table where decisions are being made about their families, schools, and communities.
What’s Happening
Get the latest news on campaigns, victories, trainings, and events.