by COFI Admin | May 30, 2019 | Early Learning Campaign, Elementary Justice, General, Health, Food, and Recess, Moms on a Mission, POWER-PAC IL, Stepping Out of Poverty
On May 8th, 150 mothers, grandmothers (and a few dads!) and children boarded the buses to Springfield for the annual Moms on a Mission lobby day. With the generous backing of many COFI donors, parent leaders were able to make the trip and connect with more than 70...
by COFI Admin | Apr 30, 2019 | Early Learning Campaign, POWER-PAC IL
This month, COFI-trained parent leaders in the Austin and Englewood communities held three new Mighty Math Fun Family events as a part of an ongoing initiative to make math fun and accessible to young children and their parents. COFI-trained parent peer facilitators...
by COFI Admin | Feb 28, 2019 | POWER-PAC IL
The POWER-PAC Illinois’ Communications Committee kicked off their 2019 programming with a social media storytelling training for parent leaders at the COFI offices earlier this month. A grant from a collaboration of the Woods Fund, McCormick Foundation and Forefront...
by COFI Admin | Jan 30, 2019 | Early Learning Campaign, Elementary Justice, General, Health, Food, and Recess, POWER-PAC IL, Stepping Out of Poverty
As the upcoming Mayoral and Aldermanic elections in Chicago approach, COFI/POWER-PAC parents created and approved a 2019 Platform, covering education, economic security, health and immigration issues that matter to families. Their platform (LINK HERE) highlights...
by COFI Admin | Nov 30, 2018 | Early Learning Campaign, POWER-PAC IL, Preschool
November ends with a big win for parents and families in East St. Louis – with the Illinois State Legislature overriding Governor Rauner’s veto on House Bill 5195. This bill, now law, allows the East St. Louis School District 189 to provide transportation for students...
by COFI Admin | Oct 31, 2018 | City of Chicago, Elementary Justice, POWER-PAC IL, Restorative Justice
As part of the Elementary Justice Campaign: Redirecting the School-to-Prison Pipeline, POWER-PAC Illinois hosted the powerful Dignity in Schools Campaigns’ Week of Action National Event in Chicago on October 27, 2018. The event brought together 120 POWER-PAC leaders...