We’re Glad You Asked: Making Policy & Systems Change in Alliance with Parent Leaders
June 5 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
How do we get parents to our policymaking table? What does it take to engage them? How can the participation be real?
Join us for a webinar on COFI’s latest guide, “We’re Glad You Asked,” to answer these questions. The guide is available now and reflects COFI’s nearly 30 years of parent-led organizing. It offers insights gathered from parent leaders themselves into what they think it takes to center their voices in policymaking and advocacy.
This webinar is for policymakers, advocacy leaders, school officials, early learning collaborations, or other organizations running systems who want to think about how to center the voices of parents in decision-making processes. During this webinar, you will connect with parents and partners to hear from them about what it takes to create a powerful alliance with parent leaders.
Please RSVP by May 31, 2024.
This event will not be recorded.
Cost: Free