We’re Glad You Asked!
There has been a surge of interest in parent leadership and organizing, not just at COFI but across the country. We’ve heard from many people like you who work in government, organizations, schools, foundations, and advocacy groups and want to know how to work better with parents. We are asked: How do we get parents to our policymaking table? What does it take to engage them? Will parents support our issues? How can the participation be real?
You’ve come to the right place. “We’re Glad You Asked” reflects COFI’s nearly 30 years of parent-led organizing and gives insights, gathered from parent leaders themselves, into what they think it takes to center their voices in policymaking and advocacy. You will hear how parent leaders can move things forward as partners in decision-making. You will learn what you need to consider from the start, with three key ideas to help you and your institution integrate parent leaders as a force for systems change.
Download “We’re Glad You Asked!”
Los padres son los más interesados en que sus hijos y familias reciban apoyo y prosperen en el mundo. Esperamos que se apoye en estas tres ideas clave que le ayudarán a centrar las voces de los padres en la elaboración de políticas y la promoción.