April 2022 Updates
COFI/POWER-PAC IL won many of our legislative priorities at the close of the last session! Congratulations to parent leaders and our partners! Here’s what we’re celebrating:
- Children’s Savings Accounts coming to Illinois families with a budget approval of $2.5 million! (read an article in The Daily Northwestern explaining the new law)
- A historic expansion of the Earned Income Credit, meaning that millions of struggling residents will receive increased cash at tax time and the program will now include immigrants who file taxes with an ITIN and childless workers aged 18-24 and over 65!
- Increases to critical early care and education programs!
COFI/POWER-PAC IL leaders were spotlighted in a few powerful news stories recently:
- Maria Julia Peña and Evelyn Lewis talked to Chicago Sun-Times about their struggles with unaffordable Peoples Gas utility bills that are driven by a mismanaged Peoples Gas pipe replacement program
- Rosalia Salgado spoke to WBEZ about the importance of guaranteed income (which parents advocated for) to help families get back on their feet after the devastating effects of the pandemic and her intention to apply for Chicago’s new $500 monthly assistance program
- Lynn Morton was quoted in a WTTW story calling for CPS to be more transparent and accountable around its safety plan, get more students involved in the decision-making process, and promote conversations about School Resource Officer (SRO) alternatives.

The COFI Center for Action and Learning just wrapped up their first in-person training, Phase Two: Community Outreach & Action, in over two years! It was an incredible session, with participants from Houston, Albany, Cleveland, Racine, Greater East St. Louis, and Chicago. Folks are pumped up and ready to engage their local communities in the second year and phase of The COFI Way of Family Focused Organizing! Trainees engaged with local POWER-PAC IL parents during a community field trip. Congratulations to the training graduates – we’re excited to see your learnings in action! Stay tuned for details on the brand-new Phase Three training that will launch later this year.