POWER-PAC Wins New Commitments to Help End School Pushout
“Chicago wants to be the national leader in restorative justice.”
– Jadine Chou (pictured above), CPS Chief Officer of Safety and Security at a POWER-PAC forum at Eckhart Park – part of a nationally coordinated Dignity in Schools Week of Action Against School Push-out.
On October 4th, the Chief Safety and Security Officer of the Chicago Public Schools, Jadine Chou, publically announced to nearly 100 POWER-PAC parents that CPS wants to put themselves on the map as the national leader in restorative justice! She also stated that CPS and the Chicago Police Department are committed to revisiting the role of police officers in the schools and she agreed to release school-by-school data on discipline to the public later this school year – both things that POWER-PAC has been relentlessly pushing for over the past year and longer.
As part of this effort to lessen the use of punitive school discipline and address school push-out, Charlene Campbell, a POWER-PAC leader testified at a recent CPS Board Meeting on the importance of up-to-date, transparent discipline data.
Also, parents are currently in negotiations with the Chicago Police Department to expand the parent-led Peace Center model to at least 3 more schools in Chicago – a commitment won by POWER-PAC’s Elementary Justice Campaign last year.