POWER-PAC leaders traveled to Washington D.C. to educate Congress about the issues that children face in our public schools because of the over-emphasis on high stakes testing and the pressures that that creates to push children out of school.

POWER-PAC mothers and grandmothers joined other coalitions, including the Dignity in Schools national coalition, in Washington and met with Congressman Danny Davis and the staffs of Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Mark Kirk and House Education Committee member Congresswoman Judy Biggert.

These efforts are focused on the current reathorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (currently known as the No Child Left Behind Law). POWER-PAC’ers want federal support for their efforts to increase the use of restorative justice practices in the schools that teach children from their mistakes rather than punishing them with out-of-school suspensions and expulsions.

Parent leaders Lynn Morton (above), Rosazlia Grillier, Daisy Rivera and Mable Rogers, and COFI staffer Charles Bergman (below).


Washington DC


Also, see www.dignityinschools.org.
