by COFI Admin | Jul 31, 2021 | Early Learning Campaign, Legislation, POWER-PAC IL, Stepping Out of Poverty, Utilities
Wow, what a month! POWER-PAC Illinois members’ schedules were action packed in July, particularly on the policy front. Several POWER-PACers were invited to several high profile appearances alongside state and federal elected officials throughout the month: Stepping...
by COFI Admin | Jan 29, 2021 | General, POWER-PAC IL
Just one month in, 2021 promises to be a busy and exciting year for POWER-PAC Illinois! Last week, the group’s Governing Council, consisting of campaign chairs and branch delegates, gathered (virtually, of course) for the first time this year. While acknowledging that...
by COFI Admin | Dec 22, 2020 | General, POWER-PAC IL
ABOVE: In June, parent leader Dexter Leggin spoke at a press conference where a city ordinance was announced to end police presence in schools. In 2020, COFI discovered what it means to community organize during a global pandemic. From helping neighbors to winning...
by COFI Admin | Jan 28, 2020 | Elementary Justice, POWER-PAC IL
This winter, POWER-PAC IL parents won a victory when Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago Police Department (CPD) finalized an agreement laying out new rules for police in Chicago Schools. Last year, in partnership with the then-Attorney General Lisa Madigan,...
by COFI Admin | Sep 30, 2019 | City of Chicago, POWER-PAC IL, Stepping Out of Poverty
In less than two years of organizing and advocacy by POWER-PAC IL’s Stepping Out of Poverty Campaign, Chicago has taken the first step to reforming its fees and fines system! On January 18, 2018, parents published the “Stopping the Debt Spiral” report exposing the...
by COFI Admin | Jul 18, 2019 | City of Chicago, General, POWER-PAC IL
Please join us to celebrate the life of Ms. Gloria Harris! S A T U R D A Y J U L Y 2 7 | 1 : 0 0 – 2 : 3 0 PM | COFI Office: 1436 W. Randolph St. Chicago, IL 60607 Please let us know you are coming by calling (312) 226-5141 or email...