by COFI Admin | Oct 2, 2015 | Elementary Justice
POWER-PAC leaders perform a skit that looks at the impact police in schools can have on children and their families. On October 2, 2015, 65 POWER-PAC members from across Chicago gathered to launch a campaign asking the City and School District to shift dollars from...
by COFI Admin | Aug 31, 2015 | Elementary Justice
This year, POWER-PAC members organized Parent Peace Centers at 6 Chicago Public Schools. Above, they gather to reflect on and celebrate what was accomplished this year in the Parent Peace Centers. In August 2015, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 100,...
by COFI Admin | Apr 17, 2015 | Elementary Justice
“For me it’s personal. It’s a safety issue…10 years ago I had a student that was suspended and he was killed. I want you here…because it’s hard to speak at the children’s funerals.” – Tiffany Tillman, Melody...
by COFI Admin | Jan 1, 2015 | Elementary Justice
On January 24, POWER-PAC parent leaders Felipa Mena and Rosalva Nava provided a workshop, ‘Yes to Counselors, No to Cops: Moving Beyond Police in Schools’ at the ‘Watching the Watchers: Strategies to Resist Police Violence Conference’, co-organized by one of our...
by COFI Admin | Oct 1, 2014 | Elementary Justice
POWER-PAC leaders joined over 70 organizations in 52 cities across the country as a part of the National Week of Action. They presented their new effort – “If You See Something, Say Something” to a roomful of parent leaders at their quarterly citywide meeting at...
by COFI Admin | Jun 1, 2014 | Elementary Justice
Rosalva Nava (right) and fellow POWER-PAC members pose with Jadine Chou, CPS’ Head of Safety and Security, after Rosalva testified supporting changes being made to the Code of Conduct and challenging CPS to make sure there are resources to support full...