Parent leaders fight for affordable utilities
This spring, COFI/POWER-PAC IL parent leaders are taking to the streets and standing up for affordable utilities!
In late March, an enthusiastic crew of POWER-PACers joined a hundred other community advocates at Peoples Gas headquarters in Downtown Chicago to say NO to their biggest proposed rate hike (before the Illinois Commerce Commission, or ICC) in history. Valerie Carroll, POWER-PAC IL Vice President in Chicago, stood in front of the crowd and bravely told her story, which was featured on CBS News.

Great work, Valerie! A shout out also goes to her fellow leaders in Southside Parents United Roundtable, who turned out in full force at the rally.

Another energetic group of parents braved the cold in Springfield earlier in the month to advocate for House Bill 2172, People’s Utility Rate Relief Act (PURR), which lowers energy bills and protects against disconnections for seniors, families with small children, and other vulnerable customers. POWER-PAC IL leaders Gloria Hicks, Crystal Redditt, and Isaiah Rogers shared important testimonies in support.
As parents continue to push forward, stay tuned for more updates from COFI. In the meantime, contact your legislators to express your support for House Bill 2172 AND sign the petition to ask the ICC to reject Peoples Gas rate hikes!