As the upcoming Mayoral and Aldermanic elections in Chicago approach, COFI/POWER-PAC parents created and approved a 2019 Platform, covering education, economic security, health and immigration issues that matter to families.

Their platform (LINK HERE) highlights issues affecting communities of color across the city and provides recommendations to address the issues and lift up Chicago families!

The policy recommendations come from 15 years of POWER-PAC’s collaborative, grassroots organizing led by parents and families. The issues reflect the priorities and expert knowledge of mother leaders (and some grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers). POWER-PAC urges candidates to advocate for the health and educational development of Chicago’s children, strengthen economic security for families, and protect immigrant families.

With the election around the corner in February, now is the time for candidates to support these policies that secure a healthy, safe and secure future for all Chicagoans.

Community members are asked to download the platform, share it with the candidates in your ward and in the citywide races to see where they stand on the issues that matter to parents and families, and click HERE for information on how to get registered and vote on February 26th!
