POWER-PAC Steps Up for Kids

On October 1, 2010, one-hundred POWER-PAC parents and children rallied to “Step Up for Kids” as a part of a national campaign of the Every Child Matters Education Fund. Parent leaders and advocates nationwide want to make children a priority on the local, state and national agenda. “We demand that our elected officials pay attention to the ways that budgets and policies are negatively impacting young people in our communities,” explained POWER-PAC co-chair Lynn Morton.

In the photograph above, POWER-PAC leaders speak with State Legislator Kenneth Dunkin to ask him to “Step Up for Kids” and help pass legislation in Springfield – especially SJR80 which creates a Statewide Task Force to bring recess back to all Illinois elementary school children. Other issues focused on by the national Step Up for Kids campaign include: health care, the prevention of child abuse, child care and juvenile justice.

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