POWER-PAC Leader Testifies in D.C. on Preventing School Push-Out
POWER-PAC parent leader, Rosalva Nava (third from left), testifies on her experience as a Parent Peacemaker and the need for alternatives to suspension and expulsion of students.
On November 21, 2013, POWER-PAC leader, Rosalva Nava, testified in Washington, D.C. at a Congressional Briefing on Preventing School Push-out which was co-sponsored by Senators Dick Durbin and Chris Murphy. Along with a student and educators, she spoke about her experience as a Parent Peacemaker in a restorative justice program at Wells High School and about the need for these programs that prevent school push-out, replace suspension and expulsion, and stem the “school-to-prison” pipeline.
The briefing was part of the Dignity in Schools Campaign to End School Push-Out. It highlighted effective ways in which communities and schools are working to prevent school drop-out, including COFI/POWER-PAC’s school-based Peace Centers.
Rosalva’s powerful testimony at the Congressional Briefing can be found here.