On Friday, February 28th, 100 POWER-PAC parents, partners, COFI Board members, and allies gathered to celebrate 10 years of POWER-PAC parents making their voices heard and creating change for low-income children and families on a wide rage of issues.

PPAC 10th anniversary

The party included amazing food, dancing, and great company! To see more pictures, check out our Facebook page.

Just a few victories that POWER-PAC celebrated:
– The return of recess for more than 260,000 Chicago Public Schools elementary students!
– The removal of “zero-tolerance” from the Chicago Public Schools discipline code, replacing it with the philosophy and practices of restorative justice and securing a half a million dollars over the past few years for parent-led, school-based Peace Centers.
– New models and programs to increase the participation of low-income children in high quality early education programs, including Head Start Ambassadors and Walking Preschool Buses.
– The end to asset limits in Illinois’ Temporary Assistance to Needy Families so families do not face a disincentive to financial saving.

Happy 10th Anniversary POWER-PAC!
