Active Parent Leaders of Aurora (Padres Líderes Activos de Aurora) and Elgin Parents with Power (Elgin Padres con Poder), the two POWER-PAC IL branches in Kane County, held two very successful community forums this month. Consisting of COFI-trained parents, the two groups invited local families to hear about the results of over 450 surveys conducted in the community and parents’ vision for the future. Afterward, participants broke out into small groups and engaged in important conversations on topics that emerged from the surveys, including mental health, school lunches, and after school programs. There was fantastic turnout for each event, with 85 people in Aurora and 70 people in Elgin. Participants included parents, community members, law enforcement, mental health providers, child/family serving organizations, Senator Karina Villa, State Representative Barbara Hernandez, and school administrators.

Los resultados de la encuesta se pueden encontrar aquí: Aurora y Elgin. Habrá dos reuniones comunitarias de seguimiento en el otoño para discutir el progreso hasta el momento.

¡Felicitaciones y gracias a los padres líderes de Aurora y Elgin que están trabajando arduamente para hacer del condado de Kane un lugar donde todas las familias puedan prosperar!
