Three women pose for a photo at the end of Phase 3 training for The COFI Way. The woman in the middle holds up a certificate of completion.

Fase 3: Cambio de políticas y sistemas

Registrar aquí ¡o desplácese hacia abajo! Esta es la fase final y continua de El modelo de COFI that covers how to bring together parent teams (built through the Phase 1 and Phase 2 process) to work on their first policy change campaign and to build a parent power organization.  Phase 3 builds off of the incremental steps during the first two phases. You will learn COFI’s five-step process to policy and systems change, the values behind this work, the first steps to building a parent power organization, and how to implement the advanced parent leader curriculum, including what is policy change and COFI’s theory of policy change, working cross culturally, strategic planning, and other topics.

This training teaches how to support parents as they build strong and trust-filled relationships across diverse communities and with professional allies. Phase 3 training is aimed at creating a tight cross-cultural organization of parents that works together to create policy and systems change.

At the Phase 3: Policy & Systems Change train-the-trainer/train-the-organizer session you will learn:

  • Cómo COFI construyó la organización POWER-PAC IL, reuniendo equipos de padres de toda la ciudad y el estado
  • Cómo planificar y lanzar su primera campaña con diversos equipos de padres
  • Creando una estructura organizacional
  • ¿Qué es el cambio de políticas y sistemas y la teoría del cambio de políticas de COFI?
  • Skill-building sessions on choosing an issue, working cross culturally, strategic planning and negotiating with policymakers.

Fase 3 training will be held at the beautiful and peaceful Q Center on the Fox River – 50 miles west of Chicago (at 1405 North Fifth Ave., St. Charles, IL 60174).

Registration is $925 for the Tuesday afternoon through Friday afternoon training. Room and board costs are variable at the Q Center but should run about $900-$950 for the three days and three nights. After you register for training you will receive additional information to complete your reservation at QCenter.

*Es muy recomendable que asistas. Phase 1: Self, Family & Team + Team Building and Phase 2: Community Outreach & Action antes de tomar Fase 3: Cambio de políticas y sistemas. If you have not attended Phases 1 and 2, please contact Jennifer Little para su aprobación antes de registrarse.

**Si ha completado la Fase 1 y la Fase 2 de Capacitación de Capacitadores/Organizadores de COFI y está creando activamente una organización matriz y desea asistir a la Fase 3 pero el costo de la capacitación es una barrera, envíe un correo electrónico. Jennifer Little para nuestra solicitud de beca de formación.

Tenga en cuenta: la inscripción no es reembolsable. Podemos transferir la inscripción a otra persona o acreditar su inscripción para una futura formación.

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Hourly Schedule

June 24


Jun 24 - 27 2025




Centro Q
1405 N 5th Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174