MOMS on a Mission: POWER PAC-IL Celebrates Victories for Families Statewide

MOMS en una misión: POWER PAC-IL celebra las victorias de las familias en todo el estado

On May 8th, 150 mothers, grandmothers (and a few dads!) and children boarded the buses to Springfield for the annual Moms on a Mission lobby day. With the generous backing of many COFI donors, parent leaders were able to make the trip and connect with more than 70...
COFI and POWER-PAC Ensure Chicago Municipal Election Candidates Know What Matters to Families

COFI y POWER-PAC aseguran que los candidatos a las elecciones municipales de Chicago sepan lo que es importante para las familias

As the upcoming Mayoral and Aldermanic elections in Chicago approach, COFI/POWER-PAC parents created and approved a 2019 Platform, covering education, economic security, health and immigration issues that matter to families. Their platform (LINK HERE) highlights...
Counselors Not Cops! POWER-PAC hosts Dignity in Schools Campaign Week of Action National Event

¡Consejeros, no policías! POWER-PAC organiza el Evento Nacional de la Semana de Acción de la Campaña por la Dignidad en las Escuelas

As part of the Elementary Justice Campaign: Redirecting the School-to-Prison Pipeline, POWER-PAC Illinois hosted the powerful Dignity in Schools Campaigns’ Week of Action National Event in Chicago on October 27, 2018. The event brought together 120 POWER-PAC leaders...