por Administración del COFI | Ene 30, 2019 | Campaña de Aprendizaje Temprano, Justicia elemental, General, Salud, Alimentación y Recreo, POWER-PAC IL, Saliendo de la pobreza
As the upcoming Mayoral and Aldermanic elections in Chicago approach, COFI/POWER-PAC parents created and approved a 2019 Platform, covering education, economic security, health and immigration issues that matter to families. Their platform (LINK HERE) highlights...
por Administración del COFI | 31 de octubre de 2018 | ciudad de chicago, Justicia elemental, POWER-PAC IL, La justicia restaurativa
Como parte de la Campaña de Justicia Elemental: Redireccionando la vía que lleva de la escuela a la prisión, POWER-PAC Illinois organizó el poderoso Evento Nacional de la Semana de Acción de las Campañas de Dignidad en las Escuelas en Chicago el 27 de octubre de 2018. El evento reunió a 120 líderes de POWER-PAC...
por Administración del COFI | Ene 30, 2017 | Justicia elemental
On January 17, 2017, communities across the country supported activities for the Day of Racial Healing, a national initiative launched by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and hundreds of other groups calling for racial healing and building an equitable society where all...
por Administración del COFI | Abr 28, 2016 | Justicia elemental
“Parents have a unique perspective on issues of school culture and are valuable partners in assessing and shifting school culture.” Strategies for Parent Engagement p. 7 COFI and POWER-PAC parents are pleased to share our newly released Strategies for...
por Administración del COFI | Mar 31, 2016 | Justicia elemental, Sin categorizar
On an unseasonably warm winter day, a group of teenagers and police officers sat together on Chicago’s south side for a Peace Circle at COFI’s Community Peace Center at I Grow Chicago (6402 S. Honore, Chicago). Talibah Moore, a COFI parent leader and POWER-PAC...
por Administración del COFI | Ene 30, 2016 | Justicia elemental
COFI and the Early Learning Ambassador program were honored to be included in the Black Child Development Institute’s report, Being Black is Not a Risk Factor: Statistics and Strengths-based Solutions in the State of Illinois. As the report highlights:...