por Darío Vinesar | 25 de octubre de 2024 | ciudad de chicago, Justicia elemental
On October 24, COFI-trained parent leaders organized a meet and greet informational event with candidates for Chicago’s first elected School Board. Parent leader Lynn Morton was one of the parents who planned and led the event, impressing the importance of the...
por Jacqui Guillen | Dic 1, 2023 | ciudad de chicago, En los medios, Saliendo de la pobreza
COFI Board Co-Chair and UPLAN Governing Council member Rosazlia Grillier (Ms. Rose) spoke against Chicago’s overnight winter parking ban and how it financially burdens residents to CBS Chicago. See the excerpt here: “‘Sometimes there’s absolutely no snow at all yet...
por Administración del COFI | Sep 30, 2019 | ciudad de chicago, POWER-PAC IL, Saliendo de la pobreza
In less than two years of organizing and advocacy by POWER-PAC IL’s Stepping Out of Poverty Campaign, Chicago has taken the first step to reforming its fees and fines system! On January 18, 2018, parents published the “Stopping the Debt Spiral” report exposing the...
por Administración del COFI | Jul 18, 2019 | ciudad de chicago, General, POWER-PAC IL
Please join us to celebrate the life of Ms. Gloria Harris! S A T U R D A Y J U L Y 2 7 | 1 : 0 0 – 2 : 3 0 PM | COFI Office: 1436 W. Randolph St. Chicago, IL 60607 Please let us know you are coming by calling (312) 226-5141 or email...
por Administración del COFI | Oct 31, 2018 | ciudad de chicago, Justicia elemental, POWER-PAC IL, La justicia restaurativa
As part of the Elementary Justice Campaign: Redirecting the School-to-Prison Pipeline, POWER-PAC Illinois hosted the powerful Dignity in Schools Campaigns’ Week of Action National Event in Chicago on October 27, 2018. The event brought together 120 POWER-PAC leaders...
por Administración del COFI | Ago 30, 2016 | ciudad de chicago, Salud, Alimentación y Recreo
The heat of summer did not stop COFI Food Ambassadors from getting the word out about the Free Summer Meals program through a partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Across three Chicago communities: Chicago Lawn, Woodlawn and Belmont Cragin, the...